Curriculum Vitae
R. Daniel Bohl, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Office Address: R. Daniel Bohl, Urologist
420 Elliott St. Suite B
Edenton, NC 27932
Place of Birth: Louisville KY
Date of Birth: July 23, 1948
Personal Information: Wife: Brigid Bohl
Children: Casey, David, Lindsey, Stephenie
Residency: University of Cincinnati Medical Center
1974-1977 General Surgery
Chief: William Altemeier, MD
President of the American College of Surgeons
University of Cincinnati Medical Center
1977-1980 Urology
Chief: Arthur T Evans MD
Chairman of Department of Education of
American Urological Association
Medical Board Certification: National Board of Examiners
(Exam parts I, II, and III – 99+, 98, and 98-99 percentiles)
Urology Board Certification: American Board of Urology, February 1, 1982
(Certification Examination by American Board of
Urology – 99th percentile)
License Ohio Medical Board Number: 35-03-8237 (expired July,2009)
North Carolina Medical Board Number: 2007-00196
Member of the American Urological Association
Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
President, Central Ohio Urologic Society 2001-2003
Medical Director, Knightsbridge Surgical Center 2002-2003
Chairman, Medical Advisory Committee, Green Street Surgical Center 2003-2007
Deputy Coroner Hamilton County (Ohio) 1975-1976
Academic appointments: Clinical Assistant Professor 2006-2008
Wright State University
School of Medicine
Education: Case Western Reserve University
College of Medicine
1970-1974 M.D.
Denison University
1966-1970 B.A. Chemistry
(Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa)
Postgraduate Training
Workshops: Laser surgery
Diagnostic urologic ultrasound
Research Projects:
1. 1966 Research under Dr. Schwartz, Dept. of Radiology, Riverside Methodist Hospital, Columbus OH, correlating isotope camera scanning results to experimental isotope densities. The results were not published, but they were in clinical use at that hospital for many years.
2. 1968 NSF-URP grant for research in chemistry at Denison University resulting in a publication: Bohl, R. Daniel and Galloway, Gordon L. “Boronium Ions Containing 2,2’-Bipyridine,” Journal of the Scientific Laboratories, Denison University, 1969, 50, 5-7.
3. 1968-1970 Two research grants from the Central Ohio Heart Association supporting continuing work at Denison University and resulting in a publication: Bohl, R.D. and Galloway, Gordon L. “The Synthesis of some compounds containing trivalent boron cations.” J. Inorg. And Nucl. Chem., 1971, Vol. 33, pp. 885-887.
4. 1970 Research under Dr. Norman Frigerio in he Biological and Medical Division of the Argonne National Laboratory of the Atomic Energy Commission. A paper was generated entitled “Use of Para-Nitrobenzeneboronic Acid in the Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide in Normal and Neoplastic Tissues.” This work was probably published in some form.
5. 1970 Research under Dr. Tom Stevenson in the Dept. of Hematology at University Hospitals of Columbus OH. A paper was written entitled, “Some Experimental Tests of Platelet Aggregation Induced by Adenosine Diphosphate and Collagen”. The purpose of the investigation was to design a useful test for the clinical laboratory.
6. 1971 Research under Dr. Prentice Dettman in the Department of Radiation Therapy at University Hospitals of Cleveland. A paper was written entitled, “Treatment of Acromegaly”. This was a review of the literature and compilation of the series of patients treated at University Hospitals. The data may have been published in some form.
Lamm, D.L., Sarosdy, M.F., Grossman, H.B., Bohl, R.D, Hatch, T., Moon, T.D., Crawford, E.D., Lowe, B.E., Weems, W.L., Blumenstein, B., Crissman, J., Beck, T.M., Montie, J., Smith, J.A.: Maintenance versus Non-maintenance of Superficial Bladder Cancer: A Southwest Oncology Group Study. Journal of Urology, 143:341 (610), 1990.
Lamm, D.L., Crawford, E.D., Blumenstein, B., Crissman, J., Montie, J., Gottesman, J., Lowe, B., Sarosdy, M.F., Bohl, R.D., Weems, W.L., Grossman, H.B., Beck, T.M., Leimert, J.T. Coltman, C.A.: Maintenance BCG Immunotherapy of the Superficial Bladder Cancer: a randomized prospective Southwest Oncology Group Study. Journal of Urology, 147:4 (242) 1992.
Lamm, D.L., Crawford, E.D., Blumenstein, B., Crissman, J., Montie, J.,
Gottesman, J., Lowe, B., Sarosdy, M.F., Bohl, R.D., Weems, W.L., Grossman, H.B., Beck, T.M., Leimert, Crawford, E.D.: Maintenance Bacillus Calmete-Guerin Immunotherapy for Recurrent Ta,T1, and Carcinoma in Situ Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder: a Randomized Southwest Oncology Group Study. Journal of Urology, 163, 1124-1129, April 2000.
From July 1, 1980, through October 31, 2008, I was in the private practice of urology at Urological Associates in Columbus, Ohio. Urological Associates merged with other urology groups in 2006 to become the Urological Associates Division of the Central Ohio Urology Group, Inc. Retirement from my Ohio practice was without regrets, and it followed a year of planning to transition care to my capable younger partners. During this 28 year practice, I added a new partner about every 3 years and developed the finest urology practice in Central Ohio. My surgical caseload had a volume and intensity great enough to satisfy any urologist. With my mission in that community complete, I decided that it was time for a new undertaking.
During February, 2008, I participated in an international volunteer medical mission in Bolivia. During November, 2008, I participated in a medical mission in Ethiopia.
Following retirement from my Ohio practice, I moved to Edenton, NC. Prior to that retirement, I obtained a license to practice in North Carolina. From December, 2008 through February, 2009, I set up an new solo urology practice in the underserved community of Edenton, NC. Patient care began on March 2, 2009, under the name R.Daniel Bohl, Urologist. On July 1, 2021, I greatly limited my urology practice and stopped scheduling regular appointments.
I occasionally covered the emergency and inpatient urology service the 1000 bed teaching hospital for University Health Systems of Eastern Carolina for intervals of one week in 2009 and 2010.
Between 2008 and 2019, I participated in medical missions in Bolivia, Ethiopia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Haiti, Honduras, and Togo. The Togo mission is featured in the WMM "On Call" magazine at this site:
In October, 2019, I presented a webinar for World Medical Mission entitled :Basic Urology with Limited Resources. The link is:
Currently, I am maintaining my office in Edenton, but I am limiting my practice to a few services for selected patients while I wind down my urology career.