About Us

Dr. Bohl practiced general adult urology in a large medical center in Central Ohio 1980-2008. Much of this career focused on complex cancer surgery. He retired from the Ohio practice October 31, 2008.
Brigid Bohl, RN MSN CNS is a masters prepared nurse with extensive experience in surgical and office urology, critical care, nursing management, and peri-anesthesia nursing. Brigid is an Advanced Practice Nurse member of the American Urological Association.
Patient care in Edenton, NC, began in March, 2009.
In addition to our service in the local community, we participate in international medical missions in under-developed countries. Prior missions have been in Bolivia, Ethiopia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Haiti, and Togo (West Central Africa).
We have obtained donated supplies through MAP International (www.map.org).
For the past few years, we have provided urology care and performed urology surgery at Hospital Loma de Luz in Honduras (http://www.crstone.org/) through Samaritan's Purse and World Medical Mission (http://www.samaritanspurse.org/what-we-do/world-medical-mission-2/. We have traveled to that hospital every few months to provide urology care to the residents of Honduras. This charitable mission is funded with profits generated by our Edenton urology practice. We were part of a special project team to teach urological surgery to the general surgeons in Togo.
Tax-deductible donations to our missions with Samaritans Purse can be made at https://www.samaritanspurse.org/medical/wmm-doctors/.
Dr. Bohl has dedicated his life to patient care and the practice of urology. Born in Kentucky, Dr. Bohl has spent most of his life in Ohio. Dr. Bohl has a family tradition of medical care. His great grandfather, grandfather, father, son, brother, uncle, niece, and nephew are all physicians. More may be coming. Dr. Bohl graduated from Case Western Reserve Medical School and completed 6 years of residency training in surgery and urology at the University of Cincinnati.
R. Daniel Bohl, M.D. has been a Board Certified Urologist since 1982. He began his career in the private practice of urology in Columbus, Ohio in 1980. Over his 28 years in that location, his practice grew to 9 urologists and ultimately merged with other urology groups to become a 25 urologist corporation. Information about that urology practice can be found at www.centralohiourology.com. During most of his career in Ohio, Dr. Bohl practiced general adult urology and performed a large volume of complex cancer and reconstructive operations. If you would like to know more about Dr. Bohl’s training and professional background, you can refer to his cirriculum vitae on this web site.